My Baby @ 32 Weeks

This will be the second time that I am giving some updates about my baby’s development. My first update was when I had my 2nd prenatal checkup.

Curious as to how the little creature inside my womb looks and is developing right now (at 32 weeks), I decided to browse online some 3D videos or images of a baby at 32 weeks. And here’s an image I  found at BabyCenter website. 
Based from the above image, my baby would have either a full head of hair at this moment or peached fuzz. The toenails and fingernails have grown in. And bearing a baby with an average length of 16.7 inches, there is also a significant change in my uterus. According to the image, my uterus is pushing up near the diaphragm and it is creating pressure on the abdomen, which results to either heartburn or shortness of breath. In my case, I often experience shortness of breath.

Why Pregnant Women Often Suffer from Pelvic Pain and Pressure

With my busy schedule in the past few weeks, this post has been long overdue. But then, I still decided to share this article to you.

I can simply describe my 25th week of pregnancy as a horrible week. It has been a constant complain of mine to my hubby the recurring pain along my pelvic area. I am not sure if it is caused by prolong sitting while at work or the stress brought by regularly traveling from home to the office (and that is about 60 kilometers away).

When I consulted it to my obgyne about the said discomfort, she simply uttered that it is just normal and provided me two reasons why pregnant women often suffer from pelvic pain and pressure.
First reason, according to her, is the uterus expands during pregnancy. Since it is expanding, the pelvis is being pressed resulting to pain and pressure on that area.

Second reason could be due to thinning and stretching of ligaments. According to my obgyne, the uterus has its own ligaments that support it. During pregnancy, these ligaments have a tendency to thin and stretch as the uterus expands. And because of these changes, it brings pain on the side of the pelvis and might extend down through the thigh.

Aside from the ligaments that support the uterus, the sciatic nerve might be crowded too resulting to discomfort or numb feeling on said areas.

Guess what I did to stop or at least lessen the discomfort I am feeling on my pelvic area. The secret is simply to have a massage wellness (hilot) from an expert. It is just normal in our family for pregnant women to have a massage wellness (hilot) especially when she is already in the third trimester. This does not only help lessen the discomfort that pregnant women feel within the pelvic area. It also put the baby in head-first, face-down position to ensure normal delivery.