About Me

My name is Nanette, a wife and a mother of a lovely little girl named Audrei who was born last 02.08.2013. Have some time to know her birth story

Professionally, I am a web copywriter. I create enticing and seo-friendly articles depending on the projects assigned to me. Since my work focus is about writing, I decided to create this Just A Minute Update blog, which will serve as an online diary of my journey as a wife and a mother. 

Some of the topics you have to expect in here are about pregnancy and parenting. I am always ready to share to you some tips and new learning about raising a kid. I will also share whenever I discover some low-cost products that are effective for your child’s welfare and household as well. I have to admit that now I have a family to call my own, my life somehow changed. I become wiser when it comes to spending my money. There are times that I have to give up on patronizing branded products and opt for items that are easy on the wallet. But of course, I always have to make sure that these cheap products are still made of high quality because I don’t want to compromise the welfare of my family, especially my daughter. As a mom, I want nothing but the best for her. 

But since I a full-time web copywriter and my baby girl is still young right now, I can only update this blog if I have a spare time.  

I end up tying a knot to the last man who knocks my heart. He is 4 years older than me. He is so sweet and very understanding. I am a spoiled brat to him. Whenever we have some misunderstandings, he will always invite me to dine out. He knows that the only secret to take away my angry mood is foods...foods...foods... :)

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