Changes in My List of Prenatal Vitamins

Previously, I have problems with my bowel movement. I have a strong hint that it has something to do with one of the prenatal vitamins that I am taking. So when I had my recent prenatal check-up with my obgyne, I told her about my problem and she concluded that it could be due to iron. She then decided to change my prenatal vitamins including the calcium supplement. From Eurroferon, I am now taking Terraferron and from Calciday, I am now taking Calciumade.
It’s been a week now since I started taking these newly prescribed prenatal vitamins and noticed that there is a little improvement in my bowel movement. I don’t need to wait for about three days for my next trip to the comfort room and no need to stay there for long hours waiting for the poop to come out. Of course, I still continue drinking a lot of water everyday as well as including fibrous foods in my diet for these are already guaranteed to help prevent constipation. 

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