On the Half Way

I’m already on my 20th weeks of pregnancy! And that is half-way of my journey. I only have about twenty weeks more to wait for that big day! So far, my condition is good and I hope that it will last until the big day comes.  

I must say that my pregnancy experience is becoming more and more excited each day. I can now feel those small kicks of my baby inside. And it is becoming more often than those past weeks. It then makes me wonder sometimes what my baby feels the moment he/she made those little kicks. How’s his/her mood at the moment? Well, only no one can exactly tell unless there is a handy ultrasound-like device that can safely monitor the day-to-day activity of a developing child inside the womb.

Since that equipment is not yet available in any store right now, feeling those little movements of my baby as well as hearing his/her heartbeat each time I have my prenatal check up with my obgyne is enough for me. At least with those simple signs, I am sure that my precious little one is doing well inside. 

Changes in My List of Prenatal Vitamins

Previously, I have problems with my bowel movement. I have a strong hint that it has something to do with one of the prenatal vitamins that I am taking. So when I had my recent prenatal check-up with my obgyne, I told her about my problem and she concluded that it could be due to iron. She then decided to change my prenatal vitamins including the calcium supplement. From Eurroferon, I am now taking Terraferron and from Calciday, I am now taking Calciumade.
It’s been a week now since I started taking these newly prescribed prenatal vitamins and noticed that there is a little improvement in my bowel movement. I don’t need to wait for about three days for my next trip to the comfort room and no need to stay there for long hours waiting for the poop to come out. Of course, I still continue drinking a lot of water everyday as well as including fibrous foods in my diet for these are already guaranteed to help prevent constipation. 

How I Resolved My Constipation Issues

By the time I post this blog, I am already on my 17th week of pregnancy. So what’s new with me? Well, I am happy to share that I am starting to live a more normal life now. Little by little, some of my pregnancy symptoms are vanishing. I am no longer picky when it comes to foods. I can now eat pork in sparing amount, no longer sensitive when it comes to scents, I can now also cook food, and no longer feel lazy all day. These are just some of the weird symptoms I used to experience in the first trimester of my pregnancy.
image source: altincekodhima.com
But aside from that, there is one more changes on my 17th week of pregnancy that I want to share. It is how I am able to find a solution regarding my constipation issues. Being constipated is one the big problems I encountered in my pregnancy period. And whenever I feel the so called “call of nature” (and that is usually about 3 days after my last bowel movement), I always have a hard time discharging those body wastes and often spend more than half an hour inside the comfort room. Despite my effort of increasing my fluid intake and avoiding those hard-to-digest foods, still I have difficulties in my bowel movement. Then just 4 days ago, I start to crave for pili pulp. Ever since, boiled pili pulp has been my favorite appetizer. This food has been known to be rich in fiber, which is definitely beneficial for constipated persons like me. However, for those who are hypertensive, pili are one of the foods to avoid for it is very high in fats.

When I started including boiled pili pulp in my meals (I ate at least 5 pieces in every meal), I noticed that my constipation issues were resolved. My bowel movement now becomes regular again and I don’t need to spend long hours inside the comfort room while waiting for that poop to pop up.