5 Things that Make Audrei Cry

Crying is considered as a form of communication of  babies.  Because they cannot clearly utter the words  yet, crying is their of telling whenever something is bothering them. It is also a sign if they need or want something. Therefore, it is very common if your baby cries from time to time.

As for my Audrei, based on my observations, among the major reasons why she cries are:

Dirty diaper - Some babies can tolerate a dirty diaper. Others want to be changed right away. And my precious little girl belongs to the latter. I remember when Audrei was just days old, she would cry out loud whenever she pee or poop. You wouldn't believe that the cries is made by just a 3.4 kg baby girl.

Want a quiet surrounding while sleeping - Listening alternative rock music is just one of my favorites when Audrei was still inside my womb. Songs of U2, Dishwalla, Cranberries, Roxette, Matchbox 20, Nickelback, Gin Blossoms, and Coldplay are just some music I listen to that time. Because I love such kind of music or let's say she used to regularly hear those kind of sounds, I was thinking that once she come out of my womb, noisy surrounding will not be a big deal. But i was wrong. Everytime she is falling asleep, she wants the surroundings to be as quiet as possible. A low pitch noise can easily disrupt her sleep. (But such behavior has now changed. No matter how noisy it is outside, she will sleep the moment she falls asleep.)

Already hungry - Just like any little darlings out there, Audrei would cry out whenever she is feeling hungry. Some old folks in our locality say that aside from rooting reflex, constant crying is another way to determine whether the baby needs to be fed.

Sick or not feeling well - Of course, everyone is not happy whenever they are not feeling well. And my baby girl used crying to send me a signal whenever she is not feeling well. Anyway it is just easy to say if Audrei is not feeling well because the soft fontanel is often a big deeper compared when she is in good health condition.

Need my caress - Old folks once again said that babies can easily feel whenever their mom is just around. During the early months, I know Audrei cannot distinguish me yet through eye contact. But once she smells me around (I believe babies have a stronger sense of smelling especially when they are into breastfeeding), she would start to cry and will only stop once I cradle her. I also believe that perhaps she is just longing for a mother's warmth.

How about you? Are you observant when your baby cries? What are his or her common reasons of crying?

Time Flies So Fast

Time really flies so fast. And I can say that because of my precious little baby’s rapid development. Audrei just turned 6 months last August 8, and I noticed that she already learns a lot and becoming more active than before.

Let me share to you some of the great things I am thankful of about my baby right now. 

She loves to listen when I am reading.
She appreciates colors.
She loves counting her fingers.
She actively enjoys playtime.
She laughs.
She enjoys babbling conversation.
She even sings along with me through coos.
She can stand and sit straight with just a little assistance from me.
She can easily roll from her tummy to her back and vice versa. She can do it not just once or twice but for several times.
She loves creeping upward.
She already starts to pull objects within reach.
She loves eating.
She recognizes people.
She easily reacts whenever her name is called.

And lastly, one of the great things that I am truly thankful of about my little girl  is she never have this "middle of the night baby's tantrums". For more than 6 months, I never cradle her and did a lullaby in the middle of the night.

Unforgettable Delivery to My First Baby

Every mother has a unique story to share regarding her pregnancy and delivery. Mine is not an exemption.

I am not as lucky as my oldest sister Rosalie who just need 2-3 pushes in order for the baby to come out. Neither as good as my elder sister Mary Ann who still managed to give birth through normal delivery despite suffering a 12-hour labor. Moreover, I am not as strong as my sister-in-law Marne who takes only less than 30 minutes to give birth to her 4.3-kilo baby girl named Jianna.

My pregnancy and delivery with my first born child is very different. My obgyne predicted that my expected date of delivery (EDD) is January 28, 2013 (based on my last menstrual period). But from my two ultrasound results, the due date is February 11, 2013. The latter prediction seems to be too late from the expected date of delivery. Normally, expectant moms who fail to give birth on the expected date of delivery often deliver their babies either a week before or a week late of the EDD. To prevent possible complications, my obgyne decided to just wait for another week (that is up to February 4) and if ever I still don’t see or feel any signs or symptoms of impending labor, she will induce me.

February 5 came and I still haven’t see or feel any signs or symptoms of labor even if I already take capsules to stimulate my cervix. And to make sure that my baby is still in good condition, she recommended me for a biophysical exam to accurately determine the maturity of my baby as well as her placenta. Based from the biophysical exam result, my baby already weighs 3.4 and the expected date of delivery is February 8. Concerned that my baby will still gain weight and I might have some difficulties in delivering her, my obgyne decided to induce me the next morning and that is February 6.

My original plan for admission was in the afternoon of February 6, 2013. But since I already have a brownish discharge as early as 6 am, I decided not to wait for 1 pm. Around 8:40 am of February 6, 2013 when I was admitted at SMMHGS. The nurses assigned in the emergency unit immediately get my personal information, vital signs and bring me to the laboratory for blood sample. After which, they headed me to the labor room for internal examination. At that time my cervix was already open at 1 cm. Oxytocin was then administered to me using IV  fluid and they take me to my room.

February 7 came. I was given another liter of IV fluid with oxytocin in the mid morning. But unfortunately it seems there is no big progress because my cervix dilated for upto 2 cm. to which they have expected to be opened at least 5 cm. Nurses adviced me to keep on walking and I did. But hours passed and I don’t still feel any unusual signs or symptoms except for the occasional kicks and punches here and there. It’s already 9pm and I a still keep on walking hoping that my baby will go down but it didn’t. My mom advised me to take a rest and sleep so that if ever I’m on the climax of labor I have an energy. I  followed her suggestion but I noticed that each time I lie down on bed, the pain becomes intense. She called my nurse and informed about my situation. 

The nurse brought me to the labor room at around 10 pm for IE. My cervix opens at 3cm... 5cm.. then 6cm. The nurse assigned in the labor room predicted that at most 3 am of February 8, my baby will come out. Unfortunately, she fails in her prediction. The sun already rises on February 8 but my cervix stops dilating at 6 cm. My obgyne immediately proceed to the hospital and ruled out for a Cesarean section. 

Inside the operating room
I had a miscarriage on my first pregnancy so being in the operating room is no longer new to me. But I will admit that I still felt nervous while inside. I am nervous for the long needle to be used for administering anaesthesia and for the entire C-section process. 

8 am when I was admitted in the operating room. I requested the team in the OR to tell me ahead whatever procedure they will be performing especially when administering the anaesthesia in order to overcome my nervousness. My anaesthesiologist told me he will be giving spinal anaesthesia therefore, I might be awake during the procedure. But since its been about 24 hours that I don’t have enough sleep, I still fall asleep after my obgyne done with the 4 incisions. I was not able to see my baby after she was immediately extracted from my uterus at 8:40 am.   

The next time I opened my eyes; I was already in the recovery room. My baby is starting to get the colostrum and minutes later, we we’re brought to our room.

note: by the time i am sharing this unforgettable experience of mine, my baby girl named audrei will be 5 months old on july 8.

It's a Baby Girl!

Finally, I had my second ultrasound. This means that I already have an idea what’s the gender of the little creature that is temporarily residing in my womb. My first ultrasound was done when I was 10 weeks pregnant. By that time, the gender is still undetermined.

A flashback:
Whenever someone asked me what gender I would prefer for my first born child, I would loudly say, a boy. And if they asked why, I simply utter “I want someone who will continue my hubby’s ancestry.”

My husband has 2 siblings (a brother and a sister). Obviously his three nephews from his sister are already using their father’s surname instead of Jesoro. His older brother has also three children and they are all girls. These 3 nieces of him (though they are all jesoro at this time) will marry and soon adopt the surname of their husband.

They predicted.
A lot of people predicted that the child I am bearing seems to be a boy. Only two or three said that it is a girl.

I hate surprises.
I am always excited about my baby’s gender. And because I hate surprises, I immediately went to my obgyne’s clinic as soon as I was informed that her sonographer is already available. I was expecting that the ultrasound result will just confirmed the prediction of most people I know is right. But unfortunately, those two or three people who predicted that it is a girl are the ones who won.

A bit sad but thankful still.
Honestly, I felt a little sad when I heard the sonographer telling it’s a girl. However, my sadness was immediately overcome when I realized that it’s not actually the gender that matters most. What is more important is to have a baby that is healthy and normal. So I am crossing my fingers that once the big comes, I hope I am able to safely and successfully delivery a healthy and normal baby girl.

My Baby @ 32 Weeks

This will be the second time that I am giving some updates about my baby’s development. My first update was when I had my 2nd prenatal checkup.

Curious as to how the little creature inside my womb looks and is developing right now (at 32 weeks), I decided to browse online some 3D videos or images of a baby at 32 weeks. And here’s an image I  found at BabyCenter website. 
Based from the above image, my baby would have either a full head of hair at this moment or peached fuzz. The toenails and fingernails have grown in. And bearing a baby with an average length of 16.7 inches, there is also a significant change in my uterus. According to the image, my uterus is pushing up near the diaphragm and it is creating pressure on the abdomen, which results to either heartburn or shortness of breath. In my case, I often experience shortness of breath.