Essential Nutrients in Pregnancy Diet: Calcium

In my previous post, I mentioned there about the new sets of vitamins and minerals that my obgyn prescribed to me and calcium is one of them. So, as a continuation of my post regarding essential nutrients in pregnancy diet, I will give you some insights about calcium.   
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Why is calcium so important during pregnancy? This is probably the same question that runs in your mind. Well, it is known to many that this particular mineral aids in building strong bones and teeth. As early as the developing period of the baby, it is very essential that he or she is able to get the right amount of calcium. This can only be achieved if the mother is taking calcium supplements during her pregnancy.

Calcium also has other important roles played. It keeps the heart, nerves, and muscles grow healthy. It helps develop a normal heart rhythm and prevents blood clotting. A pregnant woman with sufficient amount of calcium in the body does not only help in the development of the baby inside her womb. She too can avoid that bone loss or osteoporosis, which is a common disorder experienced by women as they get older.

How much calcium does a pregnant women need? Well, this will depend on her age. According to, women who are above 18 years old are recommended to have 1,000 milligrams of calcium every day while women below 18 years of age need a much higher dose – 1,300 milligrams a day. This amount of calcium is needed before, during, and after pregnancy.

There are so many sources of calcium however; among its top sources are milk and dairy products. Supplemental forms of calcium are also available in the market these days and one of them is Calciday, which my obgyn prescribed to me.

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